Ahsoka is an upcoming American Miniseries of Star War Franchise produced by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. This series showing the same timeframe as that of The Mandalorian and also is the spin of the same. The series follows Ahsoka Tano, who investigates an emerging threat to the galaxy after the fall of the empire. By reprising her role from The Mandolarian Rosario Dawson play as Ahsoka Tano. This character was created for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and made her action debut in the second season of The Mandalorian. This spin off series, which is focusing around the character of Ahsoka Tano was announced in December 2020 and the filming began in early May, 2022. This series will be the continuation of the animated series Star Wars Rebels and also multiple characters form this series will appear in the upcoming series. Additional casting was revealed in April 2023 such as Lars Mikkelsen reprising his Rebels role of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Ahsoka Cast
The cast of this miniseries will consist of the following stars:
Main Star Cast
Sl. No. | Cast | Character |
1. | Rosario Dawson | Ahsoka Tano |
2. | Natasha Liu Bordizzo | Sabine Wren |
3. | Mary Elizabeth Winstead | Hera Syndulla |
4. | Ray Stevenson | Baylan Skoll |
5. | Ivanna Sakhno | Shin Hati |
6. | Diana Lee Inosanto | Morgan Elsbeth |
7. | David Tennant | Huyang (Voicing) |
8. | Lars Mikkelsen | Grand Admiral Thrawn |
9. | Eman Esfandi | Ezra Bridger |
Cast in Appearance:
Sl. No. | Cast | Character |
1. | Hayden Christensen | Anakin Skywalker |
2. | Genevieve O’Reilly | Mon Mothma |
3. | Maurice Irvin | Senator Mawood |
4. | Jacqueline Antaramian | Senator Rodrigo |
5. | Nelson Lee | Senator Hamato Xiono |
6. | Erica Duke | Gran Senator |
7. | Paul Darnell | Inquisitor Marrok |
8. | Wes Chatham | Thrawn’s “right-hand man” |
Ahsoka Trailer
You can watch the trailer of this magnificent miniseries below
Ahsoka Episodes, release date and platform
Ahsoka will consist of 8 episodes and will be premiered on Disney + Hotsar on August 23, 2023, with two episodes, the remaining episodes will release weekly and the series is scheduled to be concluded on October 4, 2023.
Ahsoka Music
During Star Wars Celebration London in April 2023, it was announced that Kevin Kiner, who previously composed the music for the animated series The Clone Wars, Tales of the Jedi, Rebels, and The Bad Batch, will compose the score for Ahsoka.
When is Ahsoka coming out?
Ahsoka will be premiered on August 23, 2023.
How did Ahsoka die?
First time Ahsoka died at the hands of the Son in the Mortis arc in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.1
How old is Ahsoka in Rebels?
At the start of Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka was 31.
Who is playing Thrawn in Ahsoka?
Lars Mikkelsen is playing Thrawn in Ahsoka.
Why does Anakin call Ahsoka snips?
As Ahsoka had a snippy attitude when she was younger, therefore Anakin called Ahsoka “Snips”
Does Ahsoka Tano have a crush?
Lux Bonteri.
Is Ahsoka a Sith Lord?
No, Ahsoka is not a Sith.
Who is Ahsoka married to?
Lux Bonteri.